A quality image can be obtained with simple steps.
Automation, Observation, and Elemental Analysis
Easy to switch images with one-click.
Rapid acquisition of elemental maps *2
Sample : Movement of watch
- *1
- Secondary electron images and MIX images can only be observed in TM4000Plus II
- *2
- Option
Intuitive operation on Camera Navi *
Use of optical images helps navigate to target observation area easily.
Obtained SEM images can be layered on a SEM MAP image.
Sample: Movement of watch
- *
- Option: Camera Navigation System
Report Creator
Simply select images and a template to create a customized reports.
Created reports can be saved/edited in Microsoft Office® formats.
Sample : Movement of watch
The image on the screen includes options.
Various imaging applications using 4-under low vacuum status.
Charge-up reduction mode
Charge on a sample can be reduced by one-click.
Image a variety of materials under low vacuum condition
The images show observations of non-conductive samples such as ink toner particles and a hydrated leaf surface.
Sample: Paint ink
Accelerating voltage: 5 kV
Image signal: BSE
Magnification: 2,500x
Sample: Leaf of plant
Accelerating voltage: 10 kV
Image signal: SE
Magnification: 100x
Low vacuum SE detector providing surface detail and topography
Innovative secondary-election detector to obtain surface detail with non-conductive samples at lower vacuum conditions
The TM4000Plus II can observe not only conductive samples, but also non-conductive or hydrated samples without sample preparation. Switching between BSE and SE can be performed easily.
High-sensitivity Low vacuum SE Detector (UVD)
Hitachi's UVD generates secondary-electron images by detecting visible light excited by electron gas interactions.
Accelerating voltage: 5 kV
Image signal: SE
Magnification: 800x
Sample: Printed paper
Accelerating voltage: 5 kV
Image signal: BSE
Magnification: 800x
Advantages of 20 kV accelerating voltage
High accelerating voltage enables higher-speed EDS analysis.
EDS mapping data at 20 kV in 2 min
Sample: Electronic components
Multi Zigzag (Option)
A function that takes multiple high-magnification images and stitches them together to create a single high-resolution image.
Sample: Japanese ancient coin
Accelerating voltage: 15 kV
Image signal: SE
Magnification: 30x
Field of view 10 vertically × 12 horizontally
(some parts were trimmed)